There are no shipping fees if you buy one of our 2 plan packages "PDF file format" or "5 sets of blueprints + PDF". Shipping charges may apply if you buy additional sets of blueprints.
BCIN certification (Ontario residents)
Since January 1st of 2006, The Ontario Provincial Government's Bill 124 bas been in effect. As a result, a Building Code Identification Number (BCIN) must now appear on all drawings being submitting for a building permit.
Drummond House Plans house plans comply with the regulations and have a valid BCIN. This service is available at an extra cost and is available when purchasing a house plan via our website.
Note that with the BCIN, an additional requirement came into affect On January 1st of 2012 and plans must now also meet the standards in regards to the energy efficiency requirements. This (EEDS – Energy efficiency design summary) is also included with the BCIN we provide as well as the Schedule 1.
Note that though Drummond House Plans can provide the BCIN for your house plan, no engineering is included. Certain plans and or local requirements may require you to have the plan certified by an engineer locally at your expense. Also, in the case where both 2x4 and 2x6 exterior wall versions of a plan are included, only the 2x6 version will be offered with the BCIN certification.

For more information you can visit the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's web site at
Please don't hesitate to contact us at 1-800-567-5267 if you have any questions or comments.