There are no shipping fees if you buy one of our 2 plan packages "PDF file format" or "5 sets of blueprints + PDF". Shipping charges may apply if you buy additional sets of blueprints.
Print media advertising options
While online advertising has become popular in recent years, some of our print products are uniquely valuable when it comes to promoting your business. Drummond House Plans delivers a huge quantity of plans every year and our customers (and their tradespeople) look at each of our documents! Here are some ideas for you!
We can offer you the option of including your logo on the front cover of all plan sets sent to Drummond House Plans customers, who have obtained a plan from among our collections.
These plans are delivered in 5 or 8 copy sets and your logo will be visible on each of them. Our plans circulate and are read by:
- Our consumer customers
- General contractors involved with the job site.
- The various professionals (designers, manufacturers, etc.).
- Municipal inspectors
- etc.

Advertising on the plans is a unique way to introduce potential customers to your brand. Contact us to learn more!
#House plan packaging

As shown in the picture, your logo can be added to our plan folder that will follow our customers throughout their shopping! When you know that a construction project requires more than 1,000 responses, it stands to reason that our plan folder will be seen by thousands of pairs of eyes in the months prior to the construction or renovation of a house.
Also, why not provide us with your company's printed background information or your new product brochure so we can include it directly in the plan folders that are shipped to customers? Whether for provincial or regional distribution, we can help you promote your business.
Contact us to learn more!
#Advertising options
Other printed and custom advertising options are available.
- Postal Mail: Often dedicated to builders, may be an interesting option in your strategy.
- Catalogs of plans: Even in the digital age, we often print catalogs of plans for contractors or real estate developers. These tools remain on desks for a long time and are consulted by a clientele wishing to carry out a construction project.
Contact us to discuss these options!